2 min read



Histograms are a type of bar chart where the x-axis consists of continuous data divided into evenly-spaced bins and the y-axis are counts. In this example we have a file of 1,000 birth weights from an old study.


bw <- read.csv("C:/epi551/old/BIRTHWEIGHT.csv", header=TRUE)

#we see there are only 2 fields - id number and birthweight in ounces
##      ï..id           weight      
##  Min.   :  0.0   Min.   :  8.00  
##  1st Qu.:249.8   1st Qu.: 97.75  
##  Median :499.5   Median :112.00  
##  Mean   :499.5   Mean   :106.86  
##  3rd Qu.:749.2   3rd Qu.:125.00  
##  Max.   :999.0   Max.   :198.00
#Converting ounces to grams with a new field (could have also used mutate)
bw$grams <- bw$weight * 28.35

#The header of the first field came in strangely - this happens sometimes
#fixing it here
colnames(bw)[1] <- "id"

#And now a ggplot statement to create a histogram
ggplot(data=bw, aes(grams)) +

The histogram shows a bell-shaped curve, but with a strange spike at the low end. This deserves some investigation.

low_bw <- filter(bw, grams<750)
##     id weight  grams
## 1   17     13 368.55
## 2   37     15 425.25
## 3   57     11 311.85
## 4   77     13 368.55
## 5   97     11 311.85
## 6  117      8 226.80
## 7  137     14 396.90
## 8  157      9 255.15
## 9  177     13 368.55
## 10 197     11 311.85
## 11 217     11 311.85
## 12 237     12 340.20
## 13 257     15 425.25
## 14 277     11 311.85
## 15 297     10 283.50
## 16 317     11 311.85
## 17 337     11 311.85
## 18 357     12 340.20
## 19 377      9 255.15
## 20 397     12 340.20

Each of these is a value in the ounces column between 8 and 17. Since a baby this small could not live, these could have been recorded in pounds or perhaps they are in ounces with the pounds missing. You would want to check with the data provider or, if unable to do so (like here), just drop them.

One of the useful parameters for a histogram is the number of bins. The default is 30, but you can choose more or fewer, as seen here:

bw <- filter(bw, grams>750)
ggplot(data=bw, aes(grams)) +

ggplot(data=bw, aes(grams)) +